<no longer needed, EDRefCard.info is back up!!!>
How to set up your own instance of EdRefCard so you can create a card for your HOTAS config in Elite Dangerous. Share with friends, import friends config files and get cards made for those.
What? – This used to be served at https://edrefcard.info but the site has been down recently. So I went to github and found the project, which has some instructions on building a docker container. I took it a step further and placed the edrefcard info needed into Docker Hub.
So now, to set this up locally all you need to do is:
- Be on Windows 10.
- Install Docker Desktop.
- This should install WSL2 and Docker bits and some PowerShell Management cmdlets and prompt for a reboot.
- Reboot
- Skip the Docker Desktop tutorial. No need to use the UI here.
- Open an Administrator PowerShell Window (Win+X and select PowerShell (Admin)
- Run the command
docker run -d --rm --name edrefcard -p 8080:80 jeffstokes72/edrefcard
- Allow the Windows Firewall to open the local port 8080
- Open your favorite browser and put http://localhost:8080 in the address bar and hit enter.
- Enjoy
To recap:
Install Docker Desktop and reboot, open an administrator PowerShell window with Win+X.
Run the command docker run -d --rm --name edrefcard -p 8080:80 jeffstokes72/edrefcard
Allow Windows Firewall to open the local port
And then in your browser, go to http://localhost:8080
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