This is an odd fellow here. As you can see in the image below, AUEPMaster has 157k handles. Yesterday it had over 1 million but I failed to capture a screenshot before reboot. This hasn’t impacted game performance as far as I can tell, just an annoyance. Wondering if it’s actually working as intended, does it have a security hole, etc…

I looked in Process Explorer, as one might do, to see what handles AUEPMaster wanted, assuming it was linking to processes (games on my gaming machine) and not letting things go. However, Zombiefinder didn’t flag a high amount of zombies, so that’s not it. It’s a little weird. AEUPMaster really likes this registery key HKLM\Software\AMD\PPC.
It’s a slow news day, this is probably broken in some manner, I filed a bug in AMD’s driver suite maybe they can fix it someday.
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