So another Cryptocurrency has piqued my interest. Vertcoin Vertcoin is very similar to Bitcoin and Litecoin but is ASIC resistant. I looked at the miner Vertcoin provides on GitHub and found it to have requirements that a normal Windows user could consider to be complicated. So I wrote this guide cause it’s what I did… Continue reading How to mine Vertcoin (VTC)
Tag: windows
Dude, where’s my RAM? (aka ShellExperienceHost steals my stuff)
So, there I was at my computer one night and I realized “wow, this thing is slow, wth”. No really, that’s what happened, scouts honor. So I fired up TaskManager, my favorite level 1 triage tool. And ZOINKS yo! (as Jay from Jay and Silent Bob fame is wont to say) 1.8GB of RAM. Not,… Continue reading Dude, where’s my RAM? (aka ShellExperienceHost steals my stuff)
Build a Perfmon data collector set from a PAL xml template
Howdy, simple walk-through post on how to build a Perfmon data collector set using the excellent templates available from Clint Huffman’s PAL utility. Step 1: Export the appropriate template from PAL; One just clicks Threshold File (1), then Export to Perfmon template file (2), and gives it a file name to save as. Step 2:… Continue reading Build a Perfmon data collector set from a PAL xml template
Docker on Windows: MobyLinuxVM failed to realize – fixed
Fix for MobyLinuxVM failed to realize on Docker for Windows install.
Windows 10 VDI Optimization Script
Hello party people! Dude here. Carl Luberti has worked some scriptastic magic on WIndows 10 to make it a friendly (er) VM guest for VDI. Edit – non-persistent pooled VMs may have issues. Undocumented/untested/etc. Twitter post is here and includes a nice picture I took at Gibbs Gardens in North Georgia. If you prefer to go… Continue reading Windows 10 VDI Optimization Script
How To: Collect ETL/WPT tracing diagnostics when you can never logon to the host.
First, guess who's back?! Me! I left Microsoft of my own accord last year. I came back. I wrote this about my experience, I hope you enjoy it. There and back again, an IT tale… Anyways, I was asked a few times recently, Dude, how do you collect an ETW trace for boot/logon if the… Continue reading How To: Collect ETL/WPT tracing diagnostics when you can never logon to the host.
How to stand up a MediaWiki on Windows Server 2012 (10 easy steps with pictures)
Step 1. Setup Windows Server 2012 (see my build a lab series for that if you don’t know how). Step 2. Patch it and name it blah blah. Step 3. Download Microsoft Web Platform 4.5: Step 4. Run it. Step 5. Click Database, then “MySQL Windows 5.1” and click “Add” Step 6. Click “Applications”… Continue reading How to stand up a MediaWiki on Windows Server 2012 (10 easy steps with pictures)
How to redirect Serial Ports in Windows Server 2012 RDS/VDI
This tip came to me from a question someone posed internally that we had to find an answer for by hunting someone down . This property isn’t exposed in Server Managers’ UI, so you can set it by calling this powershell command: Set-RDVirtualDesktopCollectionConfiguration –CollectionName <farm> –CustomRdpProperty “redirectcomports:i:1” Now the Remote Desktop Client will… Continue reading How to redirect Serial Ports in Windows Server 2012 RDS/VDI
The network impact of a Windows 8 RT device on your network.
Edited! So someone had this question. It’s a good one. I didn’t know the answer so I found out…. Articles here and here would indicate that network traffic should be both intermittent and light. So….lets check it out. The Test: I built a Windows 8 VM in my lab. Updated it, updated default Windows… Continue reading The network impact of a Windows 8 RT device on your network.
Windows 8 Tip of the Day–Bitlocker PIN
Today’s tip… While it still requires administrative privileges to configure BitLocker, with Windows 8, standard users can now by default change their own PIN/Password. It is recommended that this be used in conjunction with the ‘Configure use of passwords’ GPO setting to enforce length and complexity. One thing this means for enterprises is that they… Continue reading Windows 8 Tip of the Day–Bitlocker PIN