Logitech software fails to save settings for the mouse or keyboard or notification settings. Fix documented here.
Tag: blog
Windows 10 N and Removable Storage Access Policies…not working as expected.
So I was doing some troubleshooting, answering questions, being helpful, the typical Wednesday afternoon, when I found that the policies for Removable Storage Access on Windows 10 N do not apply as expected. The crux of the issue is that Windows 10 N does not have a media player. I think. Pretty sure that’s the… Continue reading Windows 10 N and Removable Storage Access Policies…not working as expected.
Troubleshooting: Tracking down what executed updates in Windows 10
“Why did I get an update installed on my Windows 10 machine?” At first blush, this sounds like an easy-peasy kinda question to answer. But in a managed enterprise, with multiple IT departments that might not always play nice together, this can be a prickly subject. Because the question really isn’t “Why did this update… Continue reading Troubleshooting: Tracking down what executed updates in Windows 10
What does “A referral was returned from the server” on Windows mean?
It turns out, it can mean the binary you are running has a bad certificate. Bust this. I downloaded the latest insider preview for the Windows 10 ADK. Then I simply wanted to capture a trace… Ok…so, weird? So I launch a command prompt, try it that way, (WPR works fine, just no UI btw).… Continue reading What does “A referral was returned from the server” on Windows mean?
The dude is out
Dude here, I’ve left Microsoft, again. I don’t get notified when comments are left here as a result. Apologies for being a bad curator. I can’t take this content with me, I don’t think. So leaving here “for the record”. Best of luck, Jeff
What does the new Microsoft Ultimate Power Plan do? (not much)
There has been some excitement in the announcement of Microsoft’s new Ultimate Power Plan. This power plan, for those who haven’t heard about it, is destined for Windows 10 Professional for Workstations. The setting also is present in Windows 10 Professional and Enterprise build 1803, but you have to add it in an administrative cmdline.… Continue reading What does the new Microsoft Ultimate Power Plan do? (not much)
Performance Series Part 2 – How to import an xml file into Perfmon on Windows.
Applies to: Windows 7+, Windows Server 2008 R2+ Target audience: People I support primarily. Anyone who wants to perf like a pro? Why There may come a time where you need to import an xml file given to you by a support person into Perfmon. This is so precise, targeted data captures can be made… Continue reading Performance Series Part 2 – How to import an xml file into Perfmon on Windows.
Performance Series Part 1 – How to collect an ETW/Xperf trace to capture general performance issues
Applies to: Windows 7+, Windows Server 2008 R2+ Target audience: People I support primarily. Anyone who wants to perf like a pro? Step 1: Get the Windows Performance Toolkit, by way of the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit. Since every iteration of the WPT happens to be distributed slightly differently than the previous version, I’ve included… Continue reading Performance Series Part 1 – How to collect an ETW/Xperf trace to capture general performance issues
Activate dual displays in Nvidia control panel SLI area doesn’t seem to use both GPUs as advertised.
So I was playing a video game on one monitor while watching a video on the other. And I noted that the video was stuttering in spots. And generally when the screen action got busy in the game. I have 2 1070ti GPUs in my system, this shouldn’t really be happening… Complete stats of the… Continue reading Activate dual displays in Nvidia control panel SLI area doesn’t seem to use both GPUs as advertised.
How to solomine Trezarcoin
This is a guide on how to solomine Trezarcoin, a relatively new cryptocurrency that I believe has some legs behind it. So on to the instructions on Windows. Sorry I don’t have a Linux box handy to doc this with. What you need Trezarcoin wallet. You can download that here. ccminer. I am using an… Continue reading How to solomine Trezarcoin