Today’s tip… While it still requires administrative privileges to configure BitLocker, with Windows 8, standard users can now by default change their own PIN/Password. It is recommended that this be used in conjunction with the ‘Configure use of passwords’ GPO setting to enforce length and complexity. One thing this means for enterprises is that they… Continue reading Windows 8 Tip of the Day–Bitlocker PIN
Tag: bitlocker
Windows 8 Tip of the Day–Bitlocker
Today’s tip… Previously, BitLocker encryption has been an ‘all or nothing’. Either a volume was completely encrypted or it was not. Windows 8 brings us a new option, ‘Encrypt Used Disk Space Only’. Just like it sounds, this option allows us to encrypt only the parts of the volume that are currently in use. As… Continue reading Windows 8 Tip of the Day–Bitlocker