Windows 10 VDI Optimization Script

Hello party people! Dude here. Carl Luberti has worked some scriptastic magic on WIndows 10 to make it a friendly (er) VM guest for VDI. Edit – non-persistent pooled VMs may have issues. Undocumented/untested/etc. Twitter post is here  and includes a nice picture I took at Gibbs Gardens in North Georgia. If you prefer to go… Continue reading Windows 10 VDI Optimization Script

The Microsoft Premier Field Engineer (PFE) view on Virtual Desktop (VDI) Density

For some, VDI is about density. How many guests can we stuff into a host with performance and user experience still at acceptable levels? This script is the clarion call for those, a herald in dark times of performance degradation. It is, the script a couple PFEs wrote… It makes an image lean but supportable.… Continue reading The Microsoft Premier Field Engineer (PFE) view on Virtual Desktop (VDI) Density

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