Hi, In my work at Tanium I do a bit of debugging and performance analytics. Over the last 2-3 years, a LOT of this has centered around how Windows systems get slower and slower over time. This has been a common complaint/statement of ridicule/FUD since I started my career in IT 26 years ago in… Continue reading Windows, Zombie Processes, and bullshit code
Tag: windows
Exploring the hidden opportunities of sudden change in enterprise IT management.
Tanium’s blog post featuring Lumentum’s CIO Ralph Loura’s blog post really resonated with me on a couple of levels. The one thing in life that seems predictable is change. I know it is a bit cliche, but this has been true in my life. While sometimes it is difficult to see the positive aspect in situations, it seems to me… Continue reading Exploring the hidden opportunities of sudden change in enterprise IT management.
Why does HyperX NGenuity need 1.16 GB for my headset?!
I was looking at space used on my C drive in Windows 10 (just upgraded to 2004 build, yay!) and found something that seemed off to me.Now, it’s not unusual to …
Solution: Origin keeps ‘alt-tab’ing in front of my game!
Problem: You are gaming/typing/using your computer and your foreground window in Windows loses focus. Origin game client may appear briefly in front of your window, then disappear. TL/DR – in my instance, it was Star Wars Battlefront 2 (I even caught it once running Battlefront 2 (update maybe?) and it seized control of foreground 3-4… Continue reading Solution: Origin keeps ‘alt-tab’ing in front of my game!
Starlink: “Sorry this application cannot run in a Virtual Machine” while running with Windows Defender Application Guard enabled.
What: Starlink is a game on Uplay. I don’t get it: This could also be phrased “What is the negative impact of Windows Defender Application Guard?”. Caveat Emptor or something: Disabling Windows Defender Application Guard isn’t a good solution. A ticket is open with the developers to resolve this weird detection of virtualization. This post… Continue reading Starlink: “Sorry this application cannot run in a Virtual Machine” while running with Windows Defender Application Guard enabled.
Logitech software fails to save settings? Fix here.
Logitech software fails to save settings for the mouse or keyboard or notification settings. Fix documented here.
What does “A referral was returned from the server” on Windows mean?
It turns out, it can mean the binary you are running has a bad certificate. Bust this. I downloaded the latest insider preview for the Windows 10 ADK. Then I simply wanted to capture a trace… Ok…so, weird? So I launch a command prompt, try it that way, (WPR works fine, just no UI btw).… Continue reading What does “A referral was returned from the server” on Windows mean?
What does the new Microsoft Ultimate Power Plan do? (not much)
There has been some excitement in the announcement of Microsoft’s new Ultimate Power Plan. This power plan, for those who haven’t heard about it, is destined for Windows 10 Professional for Workstations. The setting also is present in Windows 10 Professional and Enterprise build 1803, but you have to add it in an administrative cmdline.… Continue reading What does the new Microsoft Ultimate Power Plan do? (not much)
Performance Series Part 2 – How to import an xml file into Perfmon on Windows.
Applies to: Windows 7+, Windows Server 2008 R2+ Target audience: People I support primarily. Anyone who wants to perf like a pro? Why There may come a time where you need to import an xml file given to you by a support person into Perfmon. This is so precise, targeted data captures can be made… Continue reading Performance Series Part 2 – How to import an xml file into Perfmon on Windows.
Edited Why I shouldn’t write while dealing with a fever… under discussion.
I fix my CPU miner to produce 1740 kH/s instead of 990 kH/s with a few check boxes.