Building up a learning lab based on Windows 8 and Hyper-V, Part VI

So in our previous installment, we were at Server Manager, ready to configure our pristine Domain Controller.  So lets get to it! First, click on “Local Server” on the left pane. What do we notice in the image below?  Computer name is goofy so lets fix it. Clik the hyperlink for the machine name, which… Continue reading Building up a learning lab based on Windows 8 and Hyper-V, Part VI

Building up a learning lab based on Windows 8 and Hyper-V, Part V, the triumphant return

When we last left our “how to build a Hyper-V based lab” blog post, which is here by the way, we were building our Domain Controller.  So here’s what it looks like as it goes through setup:   Progressing nicely, yay! Woot, 100%!   Almost there! Rock on! And it is done, sort of…  … Continue reading Building up a learning lab based on Windows 8 and Hyper-V, Part V, the triumphant return

How to redirect Serial Ports in Windows Server 2012 RDS/VDI

This tip came to me from a question someone posed internally that we had to find an answer for by hunting someone down .   This property isn’t exposed in Server Managers’ UI, so you can set it by calling this powershell command:   Set-RDVirtualDesktopCollectionConfiguration –CollectionName <farm> –CustomRdpProperty “redirectcomports:i:1” Now the Remote Desktop Client will… Continue reading How to redirect Serial Ports in Windows Server 2012 RDS/VDI

Building up a learning lab based on Windows 8 and Hyper-V, Part IV

Installing your Virtual Machine Windows Server 2012 Virtual Machine This is a multi-part series that starts here: So in the previous post we modified our virtual machine, now we’re going to start it up and run through the installation process.  So double-click that bad boy in the hyper-v manager and lets roll! As you can… Continue reading Building up a learning lab based on Windows 8 and Hyper-V, Part IV

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