So I was playing a video game on one monitor while watching a video on the other. And I noted that the video was stuttering in spots. And generally when the screen action got busy in the game. I have 2 1070ti GPUs in my system, this shouldn’t really be happening… Complete stats of the… Continue reading Activate dual displays in Nvidia control panel SLI area doesn’t seem to use both GPUs as advertised.
Tag: gpu
Hyper-V Pro Tip: Don’t cross the streams
update: using a single GPU, same results. It’s not the dual-gpu unsupported problem. Something else is hosing my hyper-v host from the guest install. The results, well, sucked. Nuked the system totally. So don’t cross the streams! In my lab I was building an MDT share so I could mass deploy endpoints. I’m a hyper-v… Continue reading Hyper-V Pro Tip: Don’t cross the streams