Outlook.com BETA kicks tail!


Dude here. I give credit where credit is due. Today I was offered a preview/beta version of Outlook.com to use. And. It’s awesome.

Frankly, I was migrating off Outlook.com’s property due to bloat. My Google Chrome browser would be over a GB just for the worker of Outlook.com given enough time. 1GB of RAM used for a web-based email client. Gmail is the same basically, so not a bash on MSFT. The one reason that really got me was Outlook.com took so long to receive mails sent to me. Some extra filtering to keep me safe maybe. Dunno.

ANYWAY, check this out.

Fresh browser, old version of Outlook.com:



New version:


I’m keeping an eye on it. Will report after a day of use. But HOLY MOLY it’s faster, sleeker, and uses less resources. Good job Microsoft.

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