I started an article on Disk performance and characteristics for the PFE Performance Wiki a while back. I had actually forgotten about it (those who know me know my memory is Swiss Cheese sometimes). Anyway, here is a link to the article: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/disk-in-depth-pfe-performance-guide.aspx If you are a disk expert, feel free to critique and/or update… Continue reading Disk in-Depth
Tag: disk
The effects of Acoustic Management on rotational media disks.
So one of the trends I’ve been seeing in WDRAPs I’ve performed is that companies are making use of older hardware for newer tasks on a much more frequent basis than before. Budgets seem to mandate a 4-5 year (or longer) pc recycle timeframe and the net result of this is companies are running their… Continue reading The effects of Acoustic Management on rotational media disks.