Was a long time project, an update to the Windows 10 book Manuel, Richard and I wrote a few years ago. Hopefully it’s well received. Been a journey, that’s for sure.
Debugging adventures of Jeff Stokes
Was a long time project, an update to the Windows 10 book Manuel, Richard and I wrote a few years ago. Hopefully it’s well received. Been a journey, that’s for sure.
As a fellow author (MDMandGPanswers.com) … I can speak from experience how difficult this process is. Congrats on shipping dude…!
As a fellow author of Windows books (MDMandGPanswers.com) I can speak from experience what a difficult journey this can be. CONGRATS DUDE this is huge !!!
THanks man! Appreciate you saying that!
I bought a paper copy. Its coming next Wednesday. Looking forward to it !