CVE-2021-26807 – GOG GALAXY v2.0.35 DLL Load Order Hijacking

Authors: Brian Papile and Jeff Stokes Executive summary The GOG Galaxy version 2.0.35 was vulnerable to a DLL Load Order Hijacking vulnerability. The vendor has patched the vulnerability and released version 2.0.37, as of March 30, 2021. Discovery This vulnerability came about when we tried to uninstall the Folding at Home Client, but its folder… Continue reading CVE-2021-26807 – GOG GALAXY v2.0.35 DLL Load Order Hijacking

Exploring the hidden opportunities of sudden change in enterprise IT management.

Tanium’s blog post featuring Lumentum’s CIO Ralph Loura’s blog post really resonated with me on a couple of levels. The one thing in life that seems predictable is change. I know it is a bit cliche, but this has been true in my life. While sometimes it is difficult to see the positive aspect in situations, it seems  to me… Continue reading Exploring the hidden opportunities of sudden change in enterprise IT management.

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