This tip of the day is cloud yo! Straight from Evan Basalik, an Senior Support Escalation Engineer! Today’s (Cloud) Tip…Security of customer data in Office 365 We employ all of the follow methods to secure customer data in Office 365: 1) Network segmentation to ensure physical separate of back-end services and devices from public-facing interfaces… Continue reading (Cloud) Tip Of The Day
Month: June 2013
How to stand up a MediaWiki on Windows Server 2012 (10 easy steps with pictures)
Step 1. Setup Windows Server 2012 (see my build a lab series for that if you don’t know how). Step 2. Patch it and name it blah blah. Step 3. Download Microsoft Web Platform 4.5: Step 4. Run it. Step 5. Click Database, then “MySQL Windows 5.1” and click “Add” Step 6. Click “Applications”… Continue reading How to stand up a MediaWiki on Windows Server 2012 (10 easy steps with pictures)
Building up a learning lab based on Windows 8 and Hyper-V, Part VI
So in our previous installment, we were at Server Manager, ready to configure our pristine Domain Controller. So lets get to it! First, click on “Local Server” on the left pane. What do we notice in the image below? Computer name is goofy so lets fix it. Clik the hyperlink for the machine name, which… Continue reading Building up a learning lab based on Windows 8 and Hyper-V, Part VI
Building up a learning lab based on Windows 8 and Hyper-V, Part V, the triumphant return
When we last left our “how to build a Hyper-V based lab” blog post, which is here by the way, we were building our Domain Controller. So here’s what it looks like as it goes through setup: Progressing nicely, yay! Woot, 100%! Almost there! Rock on! And it is done, sort of… … Continue reading Building up a learning lab based on Windows 8 and Hyper-V, Part V, the triumphant return
Windows 8 Tip of the Day: How to map a drive in Windows to a Skydrive folder or root.
1) Open a document in SkyDrive – such as an excel xls or word doc 2) File->Save As (Note folder – it will be something like{your-id}/Documents 3) In Windows Explorer, click Map Network Drive and enter path Note: I use{your –id} as I have other files at one level higher than Documents. … Continue reading Windows 8 Tip of the Day: How to map a drive in Windows to a Skydrive folder or root.